Thank you for your interest in holding a fundraising event for DYNA. We greatly value and appreciate your dedication and support.
We believe that the way an organization handles itself in the financial arena is a reflection of its integrity in every arena. We have, therefore, established strict guidelines for any fundraising that utilizes our business name/logo. All fundraising event organizers should read and follow these guidelines.
No fundraisers utilizing the DYNA business name or logo are to be conducted without review and written approval by DYNA, Inc.
When you have a fundraising event idea, be sure to contact DYNA, Inc. before proceeding to discuss your concept and obtain approval. Proper planning is the key to a successful fundraising event.
Participation and use of name/logo
- DYNA, Inc. reserves the right to refuse participation in any third-party fundraising event.
- DYNA, Inc. reserves the right of deciding the use of its name and logo on all event promotional material, including such things as flyers, posters, promotion on websites, etc.
- Use of the DYNA name and logo is strictly prohibited without direct permission from the organization.
- Before proceeding with their event planning, all organizers must submit a Special Event Application to DYNA, Inc. for approval (at least 60 days prior to the event). Notification of approval status will be issued within 30 days of receipt.
- All third-party events representing or involving DYNA, Inc. must be carried out in a proper manner as proposed and agreed upon in an approved plan.
- All third-party special event organizers must provide the approved event's overall agenda to DYNA. This agenda should include the event itinerary and a copy of the final and confirmed overall event budget breakdown including:
- expected event expenses
- financial projections
- charity amount expected to be raised and donated
- All third-party special event organizers must provide DYNA with a list of proposed event sponsors.
Responsibilities and liability
- The sponsor of the event is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, licenses or insurance. Please attach copies of these forms with your application.
- The sponsor of the event is responsible for all sales tax requirements.
- The sponsor agrees to hold DYNA, Inc. harmless from all claims and liabilities in any way related to the event.
Donations and proceeds
- All proceeds must be submitted to the DYNA office within 30 days following the event.
- Third parties are prohibited from setting up a bank account which include the words or acronyms “DYNA” or “Dysautonomia Youth Network of America” in conjunction with a fundraising event.
- Cash is only to be accepted by specified individuals approved by the DYNA Board of Directors.
- Checks or money orders are to be payable directly to DYNA, Inc.
- Receipts must be issued for all funds collected and copies of receipts provided to DYNA, Inc.
Media and privacy
- All media interviews/requests/interest regarding DYNA and its involvement must be communicated to the Executive Director of DYNA, Inc. directly.
- Third-party special event organizers must preserve the right of patient privacy. Any and all information/inquiries regarding any DYNA, Inc. member or staff member must be directed to the Executive Director, including patient, staff, or facility photographs and/or patient or staff interviews, etc.
Please print these guidelines to have available for reference during any fundraising events. Make sure any event volunteers have also reviewed these guidelines.
Please contact us if you have any questions.