Each year DYNA invites its membership, participating physicians, and families to participate in our Private Member Only “Summer Chill” Conference. For privacy purposes and for the safety of our member population, the dates and location are not released to the public.
The Summer Chill event is educational for our Youth Ambassadors, their families and physicians. The event provides an assortment of learning and bonding activities over a three day period. Perhaps most importantly, this event also provides an opportunity for socialization and some traditional life activities that many of our members miss out on due to their diagnosis.
2012 Theme is “Wellness Makeover”
This year our event theme is “Wellness Makeover.” Along with informative lectures geared toward the youth population, we will be conducting sessions on internal, external and general wellness issues.
Sesssions may include: beating insomnia, exercise techniques, confidence and self-esteem boosting, self-defense training, stress reduction, life coping techniques, symptom management tips and even make-up techniques. While it may seem superficial, many of our members show physical signs of their illness such as paleness and under eye circles that make them feel especially self-conscious. Learning how to utilize makeup as camouflage helps them feel better about themselves.
Goofy Slipper Lecture on Dysautonomia
An informative lecture called our "Goofy Slipper" Lecture on Dysautonomia will take place. The Goofy Slipper Lecture is a casual informational session about dysautonomia conditions and will be conducted by Beverly Karabin, MSN, CNP, Ph D University of Toledo Medical Center Autonomic Disorders Clinic or Blair P. Grubb, MD (or both). Dee Saar, RN will assist.
Why is it called a Goofy Slipper Lecture?
It is a TRADITION! Each year, DYNA Youth Ambassadors wear silly looking slippers just for the fun of it. This creates an atmosphere of fun and informality. Some years, slippers have a theme but this year the slippers just need to be absolutely silly.
Dinner Dance
The closing event will be a Dinner Dance. Hasan Abdallah, MD of the Children's Heart Institute is our guest dinner speaker. The theme for the dance this year is "Beauty and the Beast." Youth Ambassadors will have the option of dressing up as a beauty or dressing down as a beast.
Many Youth Ambassadors and their families say that the Summer Chill event is a changing point in their lives. We think they are telling the truth. They return year after year and travel great distances for a reason.
Youth Ambassadors may continue here for Summer Chill Guidelines.